Community Pharmacy Scotland

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LFD Correct Reporting of Supply for Payment

Published: 18/08/21

The Scottish Government released circular PCA(P)(2021)11 Community Pharmacy COVID-19 Test Kit Distribution Service clarifies the requirements for and the importance of reporting the supply of kits to ensure proper remuneration for their distribution. Community Pharmacy COVID-19 Test Kit Distribution Service

You must submit under the correct service to be paid for distributing these kits and the below sets out the correct reporting steps as detailed in the circular.

Select Covid-19 LFD Supply from the UCF then the supply item of Lateral Flow Device Kit entering in the correct quantity of kits (not the number of individual tests within the kit), the batch number and dispensed item reference of Lateral Flow Device Kit (7 tests).

Please note: any LFD kits claimed under the wrong UCF service from August onwards will not receive payment.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the Pharmacy Services team on 0131 466 3540 or email

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