Community Pharmacy Scotland

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PCA(P)(2019)05 - Metoprolol 50mg and 100mg Tablets - Supply Issue

Published: 07/03/19

This Circular provides information for NHS Boards, Prescribers and community pharmacy contractors on the current supply issue with Metoprolol 50mg and 100mg tablets.


We have been made aware of an ongoing supply issue with the following two products:

- Metoprolol 50mg tablets

- Metoprolol 100mg tablets

The issue has been caused because some manufacturers discontinuing the products and others having supply difficulties. Milpharm/Aurobindo, are currently the sole supplier of both presentations to the UK market.

Supplies of both presentations are currently available but may be limited, further stock is arriving over the coming weeks however supply is likely to be intermittent for a number of months. If patients are having difficulty obtaining metoprolol, they may need to be switched to an appropriate alternative treatment.


dosing information for these alternative beta blockers and monitoring requirements.

Suppliers of alternative, beta blockers have been contacted to determine if they can meet any additional demand and currently, the manufacturer of carvedilol has indicated that it would be unable to meet demand if patients were switched to this product. Manufacturers of bisoprolol, atenolol and propranolol have indicated they have capacity to support additional demand on their products.

We continue to work with Department of Health and Social Care who are working with the manufacturers Milpharm / Aurobindo, to accelerate future deliveries. We will continue to monitor the overall situation.