Community Pharmacy Scotland

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PCA(P)(2019)19 - Remuneration Arrangements April - June 2019

Published: 05/09/19

Remuneration Arrangements April - June 2019

This circular advises community pharmacy contractors and NHS Boards on the arrangements to make backdated payments in respect of remuneration for the dispensing months April – June 2019.

NHS Circular PCA(P)(2019) 13 advised for the community pharmacy funding settlement for 2019-20. As part of the agreed settlement the Dispensing Pool Payment, Establishment Payment, and PHS, Emergency Hormonal Contraception Payment were increased.

Arrangements have now been made to make retrospective payments for each of the following elements of the Global Sum for the period April – June 2019:

  • Dispensing Pool Payment

  • Establishment Payment

  • PHS, Emergency Hormonal Contraception

Backdated payments to be made for the period (April 2019 – June 2019) processed in July 2019 dispensings paid end of September 2019.