Community Pharmacy Scotland

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PCA(P)(2020)26 - COVID-19 Vaccination Programme

Published: 26/11/20


This circular sets out for NHS Boards and community pharmacy contractors the agreed fees for community pharmacy contractors participation in the COVID-19 vaccination programme.


Payment arrangements have been agreed between Scottish Government and Community Pharmacy Scotland for Health Boards to enter local arrangements for the pharmacy contractors to participate in the delivery of the COVID-19 Vaccination Programme. Scottish Government is mindful that the need to maintain good infection prevention & control practices and appropriate physical distancing measures may constrain the capacity of community pharmacy to participate in this programme. As such community pharmacies will not be the default delivery channel for COVID-19 Vaccination.

Community pharmacies are asked to support the programme by providing vaccinations by agreement. Community pharmacy staff may also be asked to undertake vaccination sessions by their Health Boards. The arrangements and fees apply where community pharmacy contractors deliver vaccinations directly, in which case a fee per dose will be made, or separately if the contractor enters into arrangements with the Health Board to provide support to the programme on a sessional basis. The target groups will be detailed in the upcoming CMO letter. The CMO letter will also contain clinical arrangements for the COVID-19 Vaccination Programme.


The Scottish Government has agreed with CPS that payments should be made for participation in the COVID-19 Vaccination Programme on Item of Service basis as follows Contractors who have entered into an arrangement with a Health Board as part of the Health Board’s COVID-19 Vaccination Programme will be reimbursed as follows:

  • a flat rate of £12.58 will be paid per dose totalling £25.16 per course. It is not necessary for pharmacies to provide both doses of a course to receive payment

  • Due to the nature of the vaccine and some of the proposed local delivery routes, payment for the provision of sessions (3.5 hours) for vaccination are:

  • Consent Management and Vaccination fee of - £231 (applies to Independent Contractors)

  • Consent Management, Vaccination and Enhanced Leadership (£231 plus a local rate depending on the extent of the Enhanced Leadership required as well as local market conditions)

Any necessary variation for local circumstances, outwith the arrangements under the national programme, should be agreed between NHS Boards and Local Community Pharmacy Contractor Committee.

Reporting Arrangements

Apart from monitoring uptake for payment purposes, it is important for Health Boards to agree with Community Pharmacy Health Board Committees on arrangements to provide timely data in the interest of patient safety. Health Boards will require all necessary data from pharmacy contractors to support the delivery of the programme.


Community pharmacy Scotland have been consulted on the content of this circular.


NHS Boards are asked to:

  • note the contents of this Circular

  • copy to all community pharmacy contractors on their pharmaceutical list, Health and Social Care Partnerships and Area Pharmaceutical Committees for information.