Community Pharmacy Scotland

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PCA(P)(2020)27 - COVID-19 Financial Support for Community Pharmacy

Published: 27/11/20


This circular sets out for NHS Boards and community pharmacy contractors the agreed payment(s) to be made to community pharmacy contractors for COVID-19 related expenditure.


The Scottish Government made an initial financial support payment to the community pharmacy network at the outset of the pandemic amounting to £5.5 million. Following a cost survey undertaken by Community Pharmacy Scotland in partnership with Scottish Government, an additional financial payment for staffing costs will be made to pharmacy contractors.


The Scottish Government has agreed with Community Pharmacy Scotland to make an additional financial support payment for staffing related costs totalling £4.5 million for the period for the period May and June 2020.

Payments will be made to all contractors on the pharmaceutical list on the first day on the month for the period May and June 2020. Payment will be set out as follows:

  • Each pharmacy contractor shall receive a single flat payment of £1,200 (£1.5 million)

  • Each eligible contractor’s share will be calculated as that contractor’s share of the balance (£3.0 million) as a share of total dispensings made over a previously determined period. The reference period for dispensing pool payments for will be reference period March to May 2020, paid from October to December 2020


Community pharmacy Scotland has been consulted on the content of this circular.


NHS Boards are asked to:

  • note the contents of this Circular

  • copy to all community pharmacy contractors on their pharmaceutical list, Health and Social Care Partnerships and Area Pharmaceutical Committees for information.