Community Pharmacy Scotland

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PCA(P)(2022)02 - Community Pharmacy COVID-19 Test Kit Distribution Service

Published: 13/01/22


Circular PCA (P)(2021)08 set out arrangements for a pharmacy distribution service for members of the public to access lateral flow test kits. Due to high demand for the service, stock levels of Orient Gene kits have been exhausted. Therefore, the UK Government is reintroducing Innova brand kits.


High demand for the LFD Pharmacy Collect service over the Christmas and Winter period has led to stock levels of Orient Gene kits being exhausted. To ensure continuity of the service, a decision to temporarily reintroduce Innova brand test kits effective from Thursday 13 January has been taken. Orders made to Alliance from this date will see community pharmacies receive Innova brand kits. Pharmacy teams should exhaust stocks of Orient Gene kits.

Innova brand kits require both a nasal and oral swab, with test results being returned after 30 minutes. Pharmacy teams are asked to note this temporary change in product, particularly if running with parallel products and the need to highlight the different processes for each product to all those accessing the service.

It is important to highlight the continued requirement to record both negative and positive results via NHS Inform. We have amended the Standard Operating Procedure to reflect this change and and the carton size of the Innova kits.