Community Pharmacy Scotland

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PCA(P)(2022)06 - Community Pharmacy COVID-19 Test Kit Distribution Service

Published: 09/03/22


Circular PCA(P)(2021)08 set out arrangements for a  pharmacy distribution service for members of the public to access lateral flow test kits. This circular notifies Health Boards and pharmacy contractors that arrangements for the service will end on Thursday 31 March 2022.


On Tuesday 15 March, the First Minister announced Scotland’s Test and Protect Transition Plan and the gradual drawdown of testing facilities available in Scotland. To reflect the changing nature of the pandemic, the primary purpose of testing is changing from population wide testing to reduce transmission to targeted testing to support clinical care. As part of the transition, the LFD Collect service operated from community pharmacies will cease on Thursday 31 March.

Service Arrangements

The wholesaler Alliance Healthcare will take orders up until Thursday 24 March – orders will not be accepted beyond this date. There are only a finite number of kits remaining in their stocks, therefore availability cannot be guaranteed.

 It is essential to ensure that tests continue to be evenly distributed to meet local demand and, just as importantly, that the amount of distributed stock after the service closes is minimised. There will be no process in place for collecting unused kits and we would discourage the destruction of test kits, so managing the stock you hold is essential.

Surplus Stock

Pharmacy teams know their local communities and you may wish to proactively distribute test kits to certain members of your local community, who have the necessity for them. This may include members of your pharmacy team, NHS staff, carers, clinically vulnerable, digitally excluded or anyone else who in your professional opinion would benefit. We would encourage pharmacies to distribute all their remaining stock before the end of the service.  No payments will be made beyond Thursday 31 March for the distribution of kits.

Online Offer for Asymptomatic Testing 

While LFD Collect from pharmacies will cease at the end of the month, members of the public with no symptoms can find out how to access LFD kits from the NHS inform website until Sunday 17 April. A poster is being produced to be displayed by contractors once all kits are exhausted to signpost the remaining avenues for testing in Scotland. This will be circulated to the network once available.