Community Pharmacy Scotland

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PCA(P)(2022)31 - Serious Shortage Protocol Extension

Published: 03/11/22


This Circular advises NHS Boards and community pharmacy contractors that the 12 UK-wide active Serious Shortage Protocols (SSPs) for HRT products due to expire on 28 October 2022, have now been extended.

The extensions are applicable to the following HRT products: Oestrogel®; Ovenstin®; and Sandrena® gel that will be extended until Wednesday 30 November 2022. Along with Lenzeto® spray which will be extended until Friday 13 January 2023. Please refer to Annex A for a detailed list of all 12 SSPs which have been extended.


To assist in alleviating the current issues with HRT availability, various UK-wide SSPs have been issued by the Department for Health and Social Care (DHSC), in consultation with the Scottish Government. An SSP is an additional tool to manage and mitigate medication shortages for prescribing clinicians, community pharmacies and importantly patients.

Each SSP is individually developed and authorised clinically, to enable community pharmacists and dispensing doctors to dispense a different strength or formulation or alternative medicine or appliances in accordance with the protocol, rather than having to refer prescribing decisions back to the original prescriber. These protocols are time limited.

The DHSC frequently reviews which HRT products should be under an SSP and for how long they need to be in place.

Any amendments or extensions to existing SSPs are documented on the NHS Business Services Authority website using the following link: Serious shortage protocols (SSPs) | NHSBSA.