Community Pharmacy Scotland

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Public Health Service

Published: 27/08/23

The Scottish Government campaign activity for 2023-24 is currently being finalised and a more detailed list for the year will be issued in due course.

It has been agreed to maintain the same level of remuneration for the smoking cessation service interventions.

The fees agreed are as follows:

Smoking Cessation Service (Claims submitted via PCR)

Quit attempt eventMDS submissionRemuneration
Event A: The Community Pharmacy submits the MDS information with confirmed quit date (normally first return appointment)The MDS information needs to be electronically submitted once the quit-date is confirmed with the client. This determines the date for “Week 1” which then forms the basis of the timelines for the four-week and twelve-week post-quit date follow-ups.£30A count will be made on the central smoking cessation database of patients for MDS submission for new quit attempts that meet the validation requirements that have not been remunerated.
Event B: Four-week post-quit dateTo be electronically submitted immediately after the four-week post-quit date and not later than six weeks from the confirmed quit-date.£15 A count will be made on the central smoking cessation database of patients for MDS submission for new quit attempts that meet the validation requirements that have not been remunerated
Event C: 12 week post quit dateTo be electronically submitted immediately after the twelve-week post-quit date and not later than sixteen weeks from the confirmed quit-date.£35 A count will be made on the central smoking cessation database of patients for MDS submission for new quit attempts that meet the validation requirements that have not been remunerated

* The patient count will be made at the end of the calendar month.

Sexual Health Service -Provision of Emergency Hormonal Contraception (EHC)

See this gallery in the original post

See this social icon list in the original post
Payment ElementAmountHow to Claim
Fee per Intervention£30 per intervention where a patient is prescribed and supplied treatment for Emergency Hormonal ContraceptionUCF scripts will be reimbursed electronically. CPUS scripts should be submitted to PSD for payment.

Bridging Contraception (Sexual Health)

Arrangements for the Bridging Contraception service, introduced in July 2021, will see an increased remuneration funding pool of £1.620m with a payment of £30 per intervention. Circular PCA(P)(2021)12 provides details on the Bridging Contraception service.