Community Pharmacy Scotland

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Quality and Service Development

Published: 02/09/23

Quality and Service Development supports the operation of a service for coeliac patients and the development of a safety culture.

Every pharmacy that is signed up to provide the Gluten Foods Service (GFFS) to people referred by their GP or dietitian will receive a fixed payment of £100 per month. All contractors in the dispensing month concerned shall receive an activity payment from a fixed funding pot of around £1m.

Contractors on the pharmaceutical list from 1 April 2023 will be entitled to a fixed fee of £280. New contractors, if haven’t already undertaken the SPSC survey, must complete this by 30 November. Activities to support Quality Improvement will be issued under a separate circular. Contractors should note that activities from April 2023 onwards will support the implementation and training requirements for additional clinical conditions added to the NHS Pharmacy First Scotland service and Public Health Services and timely completion of the NES Community Pharmacy Workforce Survey in 2023. Further activities will be announced during the course of the year under a separate circular and will be subject to any changes in policy priorities.

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