NHS Pharmacy First Plus
/Published: 09/10/24
Circular PCA(P)(2020)16 set out the intention to introduce a combined National Foundation Programme and Independent Prescriber (IP) Career Pathway for community pharmacists. It also described the terms of a pharmacist Independent Prescriber led common clinical conditions service which has become known as NHS Pharmacy First plus.
A monthly fee of £3,000 will be made to the contractor named on the Board’s pharmaceutical list at the 1st day of that month for each full month the service is made available in the community pharmacy. Contractors should complete form Annex A of circular PCA(P) (2020) 16. The service should only be made available once the prescribing IP is able to prescribe as an IP on the NHS – this will require a prescriber code and, until such times as a prescribing system is developed to support this service, a prescription pad.
The service provider will complete a self-declaration form to indicate that a pharmacist IP is available to provide this service for a minimum of 25 hours per week, for a minimum of 45 weeks of a rolling year from the date the service starts.
Any contractor that wishes to sign up for the service should complete the form found in Annex A of Circular PCA(P)(2020)16.