Home > Drug Tariff & Reimbursement > Part 7
Part 7
Part 7 for March 2025 (Updated 01/03/2025)
Please check the Adjusted Prices page for any adjustments to the prices of items during the month.
Categories for Part 7
Category F - A fixed price set in line with the revised Scottish protocol
Category M - Applies to items added to Part 7 from October 2010 where the reimbursement price is calculated by the Department of Health using information submitted by manufacturers
Category R - This category was added in October 2010
Category Z - Zero Discount items
Discount Clawback
You can view the most recent Discount Clawback Rates by clicking the link.
Part 7B
Part 7B (Updated 01/03/2025)
This section has been developed in order to clarify the pricing of certain items when prescribed generically on NHS Pharmacy First.
Part 7S
Part 7S (Updated 01/01/2025)
For unlicensed and imported medicines not contained within Part 7S of the Drug Tariff, please see the circular and supporting documents below.
Prescriptions should be endorsed both electronically and on paper with the special price, fixed non-Part 7S handling charge and any other expenses. We have recently seen a number of items where these endorsements have not been applied electronically. Where this is the case, Practitioner Services will not allocate fees if electronic information is used for payment.
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Pharmacy Services Team on 0131 466 3540.
Reimbursement for Specials - Key Facts (Amended 04/02/2016) - NHS Circulars PCA(P)(2015)17)
PCA(P)(2015)17 - This Circular advises of changes to the Drug Tariff effective for dispensing 1st September 2015 with respect to reimbursement of costs borne by community pharmacy contractors when dispensing NHS prescriptions for specialist preparations and imported unlicensed medicines not listed in Part 7S.
Part 7U
Part 7U (Updated 23/05/2023)
After consultation with CPS, the Scottish Government has introduced a new section to the Drug Tariff — Part 7U. See circular PCA(P)(2013)32 for more details. This new section lists pack sizes and prices for products without a formal marketing authorisation which are available. The new section has been introduced to facilitate transparent reimbursement of the costs of these products. It will also remove any need to seek authorisation from the NHS Board before these products are supplied.
No further endorsements will be accepted on Part 7U drugs
The products will be subject to generic clawback unless specifically listed as ZD
If a product in Part 7U becomes licensed, it will be moved to Part 7
Items in Part 7U will also still be subject to pay and report if they currently fall under this grouping
Scottish Drug Tariff Amendments
The Drug Tariff Amendments relate to the Scottish Drug Tariff Amendments, Price Amendments, and Stoma Amendments. More details are found on the Scottish Drug Tariff website.
Download a copy of the March 2025 Drug Tariff Amendments.
You can view the last 3 months of Amendments below.
We'd like to thank contractors for continuing to use our shortage reporter, we know it is a very busy time of year for pharmacy teams and we want to reassure you our discussions on shortages and adjusted prices for the month of December 2024 will continue until the January Scottish Drug Tariff Part 7 is agreed and published.
This circular sets out to community pharmacy contractors the details of the community pharmacy funding arrangement for 2024/25.
The new updated version of Part 7 is now available for October 2024. In this month there are four additions and two deletions from the drug tariff we wanted to make you aware of.
This Circular advises contractors of a balancing payment relating to the 2023/24 global sum, which will be made along with September’s payments.
The new updated version of Part 7 is now available for September 2024. In this month there is one addition and one deletion from the drug tariff we wanted to make you aware of.
Due to the day on which the 1st September falls this year, we will publish the September edition of Part 7 on the website slightly later than usual, week beginning Monday 2nd September 2024.
As a part of our work with the Scottish Government and Public Health Scotland, we regularly raise lines of concern and work to secure adjusted prices for these. We also work with them regularly to review lines which have now stabilised and remove these as appropriate.
Due to the day on which the 1st June falls this year, we will publish the June edition of Part 7 on the website slightly later than usual, on Monday 3rd May 2024.
This circular advises community pharmacy contractors and NHS Boards on the amendments to the Drug Tariff Part 11 clawback scale.
The new updated version of Part 7 is now available for May 2024. In this month there are three deletions to Part 7S of the drug tariff we wanted to make you aware of.
We have been advised that the May 2024 edition of Part 7 will be slightly delayed this month.
The annual reset of the Drug Tariff has now been undertaken by Public Health Scotland. This is where they balance the value of the tariff by modulating molecules up or down with a view to delivering the same overall value against volume and having outlier prices brought in line as part of the process.
Based on evidence, there are several lines that have stabilised which you can view here with their revised price for April 2024. These are no longer treated as Adjusted Prices; however, we will continue to monitor these lines, so we ask you to please continue to use our Shortages Reporter to report any that are of concern.
Due to continued discussions with Public Health Scotland Part 7 of the Scottish drug tariff for April 2024 will not likely be published until early next week once all work is complete and agreed.
Please note, due to the day on which the 1st April falls this year, we will publish the April edition of Part 7 on the website slightly later than usual, early next week.
The new updated version of Part 7 is now available for March 2024. In this month there are several additions we wanted to make you aware of.
There’s a 10 minute survey where you can give your views on ways to improve the production, organisation and delivery of the information.
Following the release of PCA (P)(2023) 46 Amendments to the Drug Tariff Part 11 Discount Clawback Scale, it was brought to our attention that the annex within the circular had a number of anomalies within of negative percentages.
PCA(P)(2023)46 - Pharmaceutical Services Amendments To The Drug Tariff Part 11 Discount Clawback Scale
This circular advises of changes to the Drug Tariff with respect to remuneration arrangements for the dispensing pool month of July.
We would like to signpost everyone to this part of the Scottish Drug Tariff.
This Circular advises of changes to the Scottish Drug Tariff effective from 1 May 2023 in respect of reimbursement of costs borne by community pharmacy contractors when dispensing NHS prescriptions for part 7 medicines.
This Circular advises of changes in the Drug Tariff effective for dispensing 1 May 2023 in respect of reimbursement of costs borne by community pharmacy contractors when dispensing NHS prescriptions for specialist preparations and imported unlicensed medicines listed in Part 7S.
This circular advises pharmacy contractors and NHS Boards on amendments to the Drug Tariff Part 11 clawback scale.
This circular advises of the introduction of an advance cash payment to be paid to eligible community pharmacies, dispensing doctor practices and DAC suppliers in January 2023.
This circular advises of changes to the Drug Tariff with respect to remuneration arrangements for the dispensing pool month of March 2022. This temporary payment adjustment is required to regulate the delivery of the remuneration Global Sum for 2021/22.
This circular sets out to community pharmacy contractors and NHS Boards the details of the community pharmacy funding arrangement 2022-23. This forms part of the 3-year settlement introduced in April 2020.
This circular advises community pharmacy contractors and NHS Boards on the amendments to the Drug Tariff Part 11 clawback scale.
Due to the day on which the 1st February falls this year, we will publish the February edition of Part 7 on the website slightly later than usual, early next week.