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Press Activity:
First minister says Pharmacy First will expand to cover more clinical conditions
For example, I want to see the NHS Scotland Pharmacy First Service expand so that community pharmacies can treat a greater number of clinical conditions and prevent the need for a GP visit in the first place.
How to get the right care in the right place whether it’s for flu, sickness or a minor injury
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Following a tumultuous period for community pharmacy, Scott Hutchinson and Paul Kelly from Unity Trust Bank predict the challenges and opportunities that 2025 could bring.
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Martin Green, chair of Community Pharmacy Scotland, was among 48 signatories of a joint letter, published on 3 January 2025
Pharmacies running out of flu vaccine as NHS restricts free jabs
Hospital admissions caused by flu in Scotland have increased by 12 per cent in a week
Hospital admissions in Scotland caused by the flu have increased by 12% in just a week, new figures show.
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Call for clarity on National Insurance. Letter supported by Martin Green, Chair, Community Pharmacy Scotland
Call for clarity on National Insurance. Letter supported by Martin Green, Chair, Community Pharmacy Scotland
Listen to our Policy & PR Pharmacist Sarah Scott on RADIO SCOTLAND Mornings with Kaye Adams.
Sarah and Kaye discuss primary care funding as part of NHS reform and the recent pressures affecting community pharmacy in Scotland.
Please Note: Sarah’s piece can be found from time marker 09:08. The content is only available for 30 days from publishing.
'Real-life drama': Pharmacy treats acute asthma attack during TV interview
Matt Barclay appears on Good Morning Scotland on BBC Sounds to discuss the Employee National Insurance hike on community pharmacy. (around 1 hour 35)
Community Pharmacy Scotland has published an initial update to the initial list of adjusted prices for November.
Sarah Scott, policy and PR pharmacist at Community Pharmacy Scotland, welcomed the pilot, saying “it is a natural extension of our well-established national women’s health services”.
Scottish pharmacies get £13m funding boost in ‘long-awaited’ deal
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Community Pharmacy Scotland has accepted a £13.2m uplift
Global sum up £13m for Scottish pharmacies in new funding deal
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Scottish Government ‘tightening the purse strings,’ CPS warns contractors
Roundtable: Six months of Pharmacy First
We are pleased to see that the House of Lords recently held a debate which used community pharmacy as a central talking point, eventually voting overwhelmingly in favour of granting an exemption to this rise in business costs.