Our Strategy
The future of community pharmacy in Scotland has never been more exciting, with the skills and accessibility of our teams in such demand to solve various issues in the delivery of modern healthcare.
There are an increasing number of pharmaceutical care services being developed to improve the health outcomes of the people we serve, but how do we balance these new opportunities with the delivery of our crucial core services?
The answer is that we have to think more strategically about how we operate going forward, and to that end, in 2017 our Board of Directors developed our Vision for the future of community pharmacy in Scotland, which guides our work today.
You can read our Vision above.
The Chief Pharmaceutical Officer for Scotland, Dr. Rose Marie Parr, also published the Scottish Government’s strategy for Achieving Excellence in Pharmaceutical Care (AEIPC) in Scotland in late 2017. We are delighted to see that her plans for community pharmacy services are featured front and centre in the document, and are pleased to say that AEIPC and our Vision complement and agree with one another in many areas. We have been working closely with Scottish Government to ensure that both of our ambitions are realised over the coming years.