Community Pharmacy Independent Prescriber Training Courses

Published: 12/09/24

Courses for Community Pharmacy Independent prescribing training are now open for application.

Full details are available on the NES Independent Prescribing pages on Turas Learn

Learners interested in a NES-funded place in 2025 should register their interest with the named health board contact by 30 September 2024 (available on the same page). CPS/NES funded places include the opportunity to attend consultation and clinical skills training to support development as an IP.

Designated prescribing practitioners (DPPs) will be required to support pharmacists undertaking the independent prescribing qualification in 2025. Further resources to support you to becoming a DPP are available on the NES DPP resource pages on Turas Learn.

If you have any questions, please contact us on


Amanda Rae

Head of Policy & Development.


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Weekly eNewsletter 5th September 2024