Instalment Prescribing - Vision GP IT System Issue

Published: 09/07/24

A UK prescription bag on top of a counter.

We have been made aware of an issue with a particular version of the "Vision" GP prescribing system that is used in some (but not all) sites using the software in Scotland. Instead of being able to specify a start date for instalment prescriptions being an optional feature, this has been made a mandatory step when generating an instalment prescription, and defaults to today's date if not altered.

Clearly, this may cause some confusion locally as for the majority of instalment prescriptions the prescriber will be unaware of and likely not particularly invested in the actual start date for dispensing, which may be some time in the future (e.g. for dosette packs). The national group overseeing GP IT developments has been made aware of this and is seeking a fix, but we have no timescale for this as yet. There is also no straightforward interim solution that can be applied nationally as only the prescriber can make clear their interntions. Our suggestion should you come across this would be to engage with the GP or Pharmacotherapy teams locally to confirm whether the "default" dates can be ignored where appropriate.



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