Mosquito Scotland Project - Reporting Scheme

Published: 12/06/24

A Mosquito flying over a map of Scotland.

The University of Glasgow have launched a citizen science initiative for reporting mosquito sightings across Scotland. This aims to map mosquito distribution and species variety. Visit the reporting portal at The blog post includes details on supporting the initiative with flyers, social media infographics, and shareable tweets. Your support in promoting this project is appreciated.

The Mosquito Scotland project has launched a new citizen science project this summer that would allow members of the public to report sightings of mosquitoes across Scotland, and upload photos or send us a sample if they would like us to identify it. This portal is now live, and we are keen to raise awareness of it amongst members of the public, environmental health teams, and those in health services who may have people ask them about getting mosquito bites in Scotland.

The reports we receive will be very useful to help us increase our understanding of the distribution and variety of mosquito species in Scotland at present, and whether they are a source of nuisance biting.

The reporting portal and more general information about project can be found at:

There are a few ways network members can help disseminate information on the scheme:

  1. We have created some flyers that could be printed and put on notice boards in public places or office;

  2. We have created an infographic that has basic information about the reporting scheme and a link to the website that could be shared through social media;

  3. We have several 'tweet's about the reporting system on project Twitter account that could be shared (e.g.\)

Attached are the flyers and the social media infographic.  Much appreciated if you could share and encourage people to advertise/highlight the portal where possible.



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