Community Pharmacy Scotland

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PCA(P)(2019)11 - Community Pharmacist Supplementary and Independent Prescribing Clinics: Funding Arrangements for 2019-20

Published: 16/05/19

This Circular informs NHS Boards and community pharmacy contractors of the funding available for Community Pharmacist Supplementary and Independent Prescribing Clinics in 2019-20.


Circular PCA(P)(2018) 6, issued in May 2018, advised that a review of Community Pharmacist Supplementary and Independent Prescribing Clinics would be conducted to consider whether any changes were necessary to ensure an appropriate and stable funding model from 2019/20 onwards. Background

Following the review of the funding model, it has been determined that funds for Community Pharmacist Clinics should be made available to Boards using the NRAC formula to support a fair and equitable use of this funding stream. 4. It is intended that this funding will continue each financial year on an NRAC basis, until further notice. This should provide a more sustainable approach, giving Boards and contractors greater certainty and stability for future planning of clinics. 5. The total value for the 2019/20 financial year is £1m. As in previous years, no allocations will be made. Boards should direct NSS Practitioner & Counter Fraud Services to draw down the funds to make payments to their community pharmacy contractors as appropriate.

Directors of Pharmacy were asked last month to confirm whether they are able to use their full share of the funding for clinics this financial year. The final distribution of funds is therefore based on the NRAC formula but then adjusted to redeploy surplus funds to other Boards for the specific purpose of community pharmacist supplementary and independent prescribing clinics. The funds available to each Board are outlined in Annex A to this circular.

These funds constitute part of the overall community pharmacy contractor funding package (non-global sum) and must therefore be used to pay community pharmacy contractors for providing clinics.

Clinics should continue to be targeted in accordance with guidance provided for prior years. The existing two payment levels continue unchanged at £150 per clinic session and a one-off payment of £750 for new clinics starting up. Boards will be expected to provide no later than 31 March 2020 a report on how the funding has been deployed; anticipated total expenditure for the year; and lessons learned. A report template is provided at Annex B.