Community Pharmacy Scotland

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PCA(P)(2022)34 - Public Health Service Poster Campaigns 2022/23

Published: 23/11/22


This Circular advises and community pharmacy contractors of the next Public Health Service (PHS) poster campaign topics which will be distributed to pharmacies.

Please refer to Annex A for the campaign creative for the next topic which will be distributed at end November.


As part of the Public Health Service (PHS), community pharmacy contractors are required to display specified posters at set times to support national public health campaigns.

The contract for the management of Scottish Government posters in pharmacies moved to APS Group in March 2021. The PHS posters are now mailed direct to each pharmacy location by APS Group and pharmacy contractors should ensure the poster is displayed for the duration of the dates given in the Annex.

If any pharmacy requires a replacement poster holder they should contact APS Group at email: and a replacement will be sent.