New Courier Bags

Published: 25/11/21

Your envelopes with your annual courier allocation should now be starting to arrive in your pharmacies. When these arrive, your envelope should contain.

Two posters, one with your collection dates for 2022 on them, and one with a handy guide to sorting your submission.

  • Your courier bags (one pack if you submit once a month, and two if you submit twice) with your HB cypher label on them

Please note:- Contractors in Greater Glasgow & Clyde and in Highland who have a contractor code beginning with 4, your Health Board cypher code has changed from C to HC (if you are in Highland) or GC (if you are in GG&C).

If you could please check your envelope on arrival and let us know on 0131 466 3540 or at if any items have escaped the envelope or been mixed up in transit, or if the bags do not arrive in your post within the next few working days.


Robbie Collins

Digital Communications Officer


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