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NHS Contacts

Local PCR Contacts

Initial setup of a PCR username and password should be done locally through your Health Board contact. The Board will then liaise with the ePharmacy team to allow access to the PCR. 

You can find a list of your local PCR contacts by visiting https://www.communitypharmacy.scot.nhs.uk/.

Practitioner Services Pharmacy Contacts

If you have any queries regarding your payments, eSchedules, need to verify your electronic claims, or have issues with your computer including any other pertinent questions, please contact the team at Practitioner Services.  

IMT Facilitators

Below you will find the IMT Facilitators for your Health Board areas.

BoardNameemail addressAlternative emailphone number
NHS Ayrshire & ArranLaura Gilldigitalservicesfacilitators@aapct.scot.nhs.uk01292 513742 (answerphone)
NHS BordersLinda McRaelinda.mcrae@borders.scot.nhs.uk01896 827670
NHS Dumfries & GallowayLewis Dempsterlewis.dempster@nhs.scot07563 776805
NHS FifeSharon Wishartsharon.wishart@nhs.scotfife.gmsfacilitators@nhs.scot07811 848809
NHS FifeGillian McGregorgillian.mcgregor5@nhs.scotfife.gmsfacilitators@nhs.scot07811 848241
NHS FifePauline Taskerpauline.tasker@nhs.scotfife.gmsfacilitators@nhs.scot07811 832754
NHS Forth ValleyVictoria Youngvictoria.young@nhs.scotfv.cpemailrequests@nhs.scot
NHS GG&CCatherine ScoularTBC03456 125000 (GG&C IT Service desk)
NHS GG&CTBCTBC03456 125000 (GG&C IT Service desk)
NHS GrampianCaroline Gaultcaroline.gault@nhs.scotgram.cpfacilitators@nhs.scot7765220625
NHS HighlandHeather Afrinnhshighland.ehealthfacilitators@nhs.scot
NHS Highland Argyll & ButeMaragret Robertsonmargaret.robertson5@nhs.scot07824 450955
NHS LanarkshireDelia BryceDelia.bryce@lanarkshire.Scot.nhs.uk07920 594839
NHS LanarkshireDonna Gallacherdonna.gallagher@lanarkshire.scot.nhs.uk
NHS OrkneyWendy Lycettwendy.lycett2@nhs.scot01856 888015 (Principal Pharmacist)
NHS ShetlandMary McFarlanemary.mcfarlane@nhs.scot01595 743370 (Principal Pharmacist)
NHS TaysideCatriona MacDonaldtay.gms@nhs.scot01382 424444 (Service Desk)
NHS Western IslesAlf Sluddenalf.sludden2@nhs.scot01851 605166 (GP IT Facilitator)