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Latest News
The content below contains the latest news affecting community pharmacy owners and their teams throughout Scotland. If you can’t find something or you have a question please get in touch with us at webteam@cps.scot
Concerns Grow After A Sudden Increase In Overdoses In Scotland
Recent reports have highlighted an increase in sudden collapse after injecting or smoking heroin. This appears linked to a rapid onset into overdose and multiple repeat doses of naloxone being required to reverse overdose.
Expanding Access to Naloxone Supplies Consultation Response
Following years of extensive engagement, this consultation now seeks to further expand the list of individuals and services that can supply take-home Naloxone as well as introducing new reporting requirements
Naloxone Service Good News Stories Needed
Have you utilised the national Naloxone Service within your community pharmacy? Perhaps you have managed to help someone in need by supplying a Naloxone kit in an emergency?
Naloxone Support Material and Information
A poster for use within the dispensary (not for display to the public) with instructions as to how to use the pre-filled disposable Naloxone intra-muscular injection will arrive in the post to your pharmacies, in the coming three weeks.
PCA(P)(2023)34 - Naloxone Emergency Supply Service
Our colleagues at Scottish Government have published the following circular advising community pharmacy contractors and NHS Boards that a naloxone emergency supply service will be added to the community pharmacy Public Health Service from 30th of October 2023.
PCA(P)(2023)22 - Payment for Naloxone Access Service
A new naloxone service to be implemented in community pharmacies later this year, preparation work that will be required and a payment for associated costs.