Community Pharmacy Workforce Survey 2024

Published: 00/00/24

A person filling in an online survey using a computer.

The Community Pharmacy Workforce Survey is being undertaken again this year.

You are being asked to collate the data during the week commencing Sunday 8th to Saturday 14th September 2024.

This year’s data will be collected in the following formats:

  • Single/smaller independent contractors – NES Pharmacy will email a link to a Questback survey in advance, to be completed by each individual contractor.

Please note for ease of completion contractors should use Google Chrome to complete this survey using their generic mailbox email address.

  • Larger independent groups – Community Pharmacy Scotland (CPS) will forward three Excel spreadsheets in advance, one for central staff, one for relief staff, and one for all other pharmacy staff, which should be completed centrally then either returned to CPS, or the detail confirmed on a call with a member of the services team at CPS, whichever is the preferred choice for the group. If you would like to book a call please click this link and fill in your preferences.

  • Data collection for CCA companies will be completed centrally.

All collated data/Questback surveys need be completed/submitted by Friday 11th October 2024 at the latest.

If you have any questions, please contact


Amanda Rae

Head of Policy & Development.


Pharmacist, Aberdeenshire


Part 7 Additions and Deletions: September 2024