Top Three Items Currently Under Review By The CPS Board

Published: 20/03/25

Community Pharmacy Scotland Offices on Queen Street in Edinburgh

The CPS Board is currently discussing and reviewing the following top three items. While these are still "works in progress" and specific details are not yet available, further information will be provided as it becomes available.

  1. Payment Audit Update – The CPS Executive reported to the Board on their progress with auditing payments, which the Board was satisfied with.

  2. Negotiations – The Board discussed their approach to negotiations for 2025/26, and progress made in discussions with Scottish Government colleagues. A recent update from Matt, our CEO, covers some of the main points.

  3. Contractor Engagement Events – Board members reviewed feedback on this term’s local contractor engagement events, where Board members travelled the country to give members an opportunity to hear about their work and ask questions. With some amendments to improve the experience for all, the Board agreed that these should continue to be a feature across the next three years.


Amanda Henderson

Operations Assistant


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