MSP Pharmacy Visit: Lauder Pharmacy

Published: 21/05/24

Last week on Friday we met with MSP Christine Grahame at Lauder Pharmacy, in the Borders. hosted by prescribing pharmacists, Hilary Evans and Cathy Scaife.

We had a very engaging conversation with Christine mainly focusing on NHS Pharmacy First and Pharmacy First Plus. Detail included talking about how the funding works, read / write access to patient records, and how patients access the service.

Community Pharmacy Scotland (CPS) would like to thank Christine, Hilary, Cathy and the amazing team at Lauder Pharmacy for their hospitality, and their continued support for community pharmacy and the amazing work they do..

These opportunities are a great way to demonstrate the value of community pharmacy to those in positions of influence. If you or your team would like to be part of advocating for community pharmacy there are ways you can get involved:

  • Let us know if you would be open to hosting an MSP Visit at one of your pharmacies by clicking here

  • Tell us a good news story, i.e. how you or one of your team members helped a patient or your community. We can use these stories to help demonstrate community pharmacy’s value amongst our stakeholders. Click here to tell us the good news

  • Participate in our Policy Consultations by clicking here

If you have any questions, please contact us at:


Sarah Scott

Policy and Public Relations (PR) Pharmacist

Weekly eNewsletter 23rd May 2024


Consultation on the Quality Assurance of Pharmacy Education and Training