PCA(P)(2020)24 - Guidance for Treatment of Minor Eye Conditions

Published: 06/11/20


This Circular provides information for community optometry teams about the NHS Pharmacy First Scotland (NHS PFS) service. It also provides guidance aimed at both community optometry and community pharmacy teams and a referral form for the assessment and treatment of minor eye conditions.


The NHS PFS service came into force in community pharmacies on 29 July 2020 and replaced the Minor Ailment Service (MAS).


The NHS PFS service seeks to encourage people to go to their local pharmacy for support with minor and acute health conditions. It extends access to a wider group of people than those who were able to use the MAS. Individuals who are registered with a GP practice in Scotland, or who live in Scotland, are eligible to use NHS PFS subject to certain exceptions for visitors to Scotland.

Pharmacies undertake a NHS PFS consultation and provide advice, treatment or referral to another healthcare professional if appropriate.

As well as minor conditions, it continues to provide advice and treatment for two specific common clinical conditions, uncomplicated Urinary Tract Infections in women and impetigo. Further common clinical conditions will be identified and added in due course.

Guidance and Optometry-Pharmacy Referral Form

Guidance for community optometry and community pharmacy teams relating to the assessment and treatment of eye conditions under NHS PFS is attached to this circular as Annex A.

A two-way Optometry-Pharmacy Referral Form is attached as Annex B. This is designed for community optometrists to refer patients to their local pharmacy for NHS PFS, and for community pharmacy teams to refer patients to community optometry practices where a patient has initially presented at a pharmacy but specialist advice is required.

Both documents will be published online on the Scotland’s Health On the Web (SHOW website) at https://www.publications.scot.nhs.uk/ and will be reviewed and updated.

Ongoing discussions between community optometry teams and their local pharmacies is strongly encouraged to develop ways of working which take local needs into account, whilst ensuring a safe and efficient patient journey.

Patient information

A leaflet on the new NHS PFS service has been developed for members of the public and is available online at - https://www.gov.scot/publications/nhs-pharmacyfirst-scotland-information-patients/ Hard copies of the patient leaflet can be ordered by sending an email to: stockorders.DPPAS@apsgroup.co.uk.

Translated versions of the leaflet in Arabic, Bengali, Cantonese, Gaelic, Mandarin, Polish, Punjabi, Romanian, Slovak and Urdu are available online at https://www.gov.scot/publications/nhs-pharmacy-first-scotland-information-patients/ under the heading ‘Supporting Files’.

As the MAS has been discontinued, any stocks of MAS leaflets or posters should be recycled. 13. Community Pharmacy Scotland and Optometry Scotland have been consulted on the terms of this circular.


NHS Boards are asked to:

  • note the contents of this Circular;

  • copy to all community pharmacy contractors and the Area Pharmaceutical Committee for information;

  • copy to all optometrists, ophthalmic medical practitioners, body corporates and practices on their ophthalmic lists.

When sharing the Circular locally it may also be helpful if NHS Boards are able to provide a list of community optometry and community pharmacy contact details including NHS email addresses (where available).

Scottish Government

The devolved government for Scotland has a range of responsibilities that include: the economy, education, health, justice, rural affairs, housing, etc...


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