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The content below contains the latest news affecting community pharmacy owners and their teams throughout Scotland. If you can’t find something or you have a question please get in touch with us at webteam@cps.scot
PCA(P)(2020)29 - PHS Poster Campaigns 20-21
This Circular advises NHS Boards and community pharmacy contractors of Public Health Service (PHS) poster campaign topics for the remainder of the 2020-21 financial year.
PCA(P)(2020)27 - COVID-19 Financial Support for Community Pharmacy
This circular sets out for NHS Boards and community pharmacy contractors the agreed payment(s) to be made to community pharmacy contractors for COVID-19 related expenditure.
PCA(P)(2020)26 - COVID-19 Vaccination Programme
This circular sets out for NHS Boards and community pharmacy contractors the agreed fees for community pharmacy contractors participation in the COVID-19 vaccination programme.
PCA(P)(2020)25 - AHP Prescribers and Prescription Stationery
This Circular provides updated advice to community pharmacy contractors about the prescription stationery being used by Allied Health Professionals independent prescribers and which may be received in community pharmacies for dispensing.
PCA(P)(2020)24 - Guidance for Treatment of Minor Eye Conditions
This Circular provides information for community optometry teams about the NHS Pharmacy First Scotland (NHS PFS) service. It also provides guidance aimed at both community optometry and community pharmacy teams and a referral form for the assessment and treatment of minor eye conditions.
PCA(P)(2020)23: Amendments to Drug Tariff
This circular advises community pharmacy contractors of changes in the Drug Tariff with respect of remuneration for the dispensing August 2020.
PCA(P)(2020)22: Community Pharmacist Practitioner Champions
This Circular informs community pharmacy contractors of the intention to continue funding for Community Pharmacist Practitioner Champions in 2020-21.
PCA(P)(2020)21: Amendments to Drug Tariff
This circular advises community pharmacy contractors of changes in the Drug Tariff with respect of remuneration for the dispensing July 2020.
PCA(P)(2020)20: Influenza Vaccine Reimbursement Arrangements 2020/21
This circular advises and community pharmacy contractors of changes in the Drug Tariff with respect of reimbursement arrangements for the use of privately procured influenza vaccine as part of the NHS vaccination programme 2020/21.
PCA(P)(2020)19 - Amendments to the Drug Tariff
This circular advises community pharmacy contractors of changes in the Drug Tariff with respect of remuneration for the dispensing months of April, May and June 2020.
PCA(P)(2020)18 - Gluten Free Food Prescribable Product List 2020
This Circular advises that the Gluten Free Food Prescribable Product List to be used in conjunction with the community pharmacy Gluten Free Food Service (GFFS) has been updated.
PCA(P)(2020)17 - Influenza Vaccination Programme 2020/21
This circular informs community pharmacy contractors sets out the proposed fees for community pharmacy contractors participation in the seasonal Influenza vaccination programme for 2020/21.
PCA(P)(2020)16 - Independent Prescribing Service
This circular informs NHS Boards and community pharmacy contractors of the intention to establish a combined National Foundation Programme and Independent Prescriber (IP) Career Pathway for community pharmacists.
PCA(P)(2020)13 - NHS Pharmacy First Scotland - Service Specifications and Approved List of Products
On 24 March 2020, Scottish Government announced support to self-isolate to those at a very high risk of severe illness from COVID-19. This includes providing help to access medicines and food supplies. An extension to this shielding period to at least 31 July 2020 was further announced on 8 June 2020.
PCA(P)(2020)06 - Updated MAS Arrangements from 1st April 2020
This circular encloses amendments to the Health Board Additional Pharmaceutical Services (Minor Ailment Service (Scotland) Directions 2016 for the Minor Ailment Service (MAS) in respect of eligibility for the service, which come into effect on 1 April 2020
PCA(P)(2020)03 - NHS Pharmacy First Scotland: eLearning Payment for Contractors
This Circular advises community pharmacy contractors and NHS Boards of a one-off payment available to community pharmacy contractors to cover the completion of e-learning modules for the roll-out of the new NHS Pharmacy First Scotland service.
PCA(P)(2020)01 - Amendments to the Drug Tariff Part 11 Discount Clawback Scale
This Circular advises community pharmacy contractors and NHS Boards on the amendments to the Drug Tariff Part 11 clawback scale.