PCA(P)(2022)05 - Gluten Free Food Prescribable Product List

Published: 09/03/22

Some flower with the words Gluten Free written in it.


This Circular advises that the Gluten Free Food Prescribable Product List to be used in conjunction with the community pharmacy Gluten Free Food Service (GFFS) has been updated.


Circular PCA(P)(2013)29, published on 28 November 2013, announced the introduction of the new Gluten Free Food Service in community pharmacies on a trial basis. In September 2015, Circular PCA(P)(2015)24 advised that it was to continue as an Additional Pharmaceutical Service.

Only products which are listed in the Gluten Free Food Prescribable Product List and on the formulary established by the NHS Board concerned may be provided under this service.


The Gluten Free Prescribable Product List has been updated to take account of withdrawn or discontinued lines. The updated list is attached as an Annex to this Circular. Part 16 of the Scottish Drug Tariff will also be updated. 5. Community Pharmacy Scotland has been consulted on the contents on this Circular.

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