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Latest News
The content below contains the latest news affecting community pharmacy owners and their teams throughout Scotland. If you can’t find something or you have a question please get in touch with us at webteam@cps.scot
Update on Availability of Varenicline
Following on from the withdrawal of varenicline (Champix) tablets from the UK in 2021, a generic version of varenicline has been launched by Teva and is now available for supply through wholesalers. This includes initiation packs, 0.5mg and 1mg packs.
Weekly Roundup: 5th April 2024
Above is a roundup of the latest news affecting community pharmacy owners and their teams in Scotland.
Smoking Cessation Pharmacy Care Record Changes
The Smoking Cessation Support Assessment Tool in the Pharmacy Care Record (PCR) has undergone a refresh to improve the user experience. The newly refreshed tool will launch on Monday, 8th April 2024.
PCA(P)(2021)09 - Dispensing Pool
The Scottish Government have released circular PCA(P)(2021)09 which advises of changes to the Drug Tariff with respect to remuneration arrangements to regulate the delivery of the remuneration Global Sum for 2020/21.