Useful Information for the PHS – Poster Campaigns

Published: 15/07/24

Our colleagues at Scottish Government have provided some further information regarding the: ‘Be the Early Bird’ – Detect Cancer Earlier Campaign.

Campaign runs until 4th September 2024.

As a reminder the 'Be the Early Bird' campaign was developed in response to insight which shows that fear of a cancer diagnosis can delay people contacting their GP practice with possible symptoms. ‘Be the Early Bird’ reinforces the benefits of finding cancer earlier in a bid to challenge the fear that is stopping people acting – and encourage those who have unusual, persistent symptoms to contact their GP practice.

The Detect Cancer Earlier Campaign looks to target people across Scotland aged 40+, with a focus on those from more deprived communities.

If you have already downloaded the Be the Early Bird assets then please get sharing and use the hashtag #BeTheEarlyBird

Key Messages

  • Anyone, particularly those aged 40+, with persistent symptoms unusual for them are being urged to ‘be the early bird’ and contact their GP practice.

  • If you’re worried about a possible cancer symptom, your GP practice wants to know.

  • Possible cancer symptoms could include unexplained bleeding, unusual lumps, unexplained weight loss or something that doesn’t feel normal for you.

  • Finding cancer earlier can mean there’s more treatment options available, a greater chance of living well after treatment and better news to tell the family.

  • For more information visit

Campaign Resource Updates & Case Studies

You can now download public information screens static assets for public areas and waiting rooms.

We would also like to draw your attention to the great collection of Real stories | Get Checked Early. You are welcome to share these powerful stories across your social media channels.  Here are a selection but there are many more to choose from across Scotland:

All Available Campaign Assets

'Be the Early Bird' campaign resources include the following:

We would welcome your support in helping to embed the ‘Be the Early Bird’ concept with the public to make the term synonymous with finding cancer earlier and reduce later stage disease in Scotland. Please share it far and wide.

More details can be found in this Scottish Government / NHS Scotland Letter – ‘Be the early bird’ 2024/25

If any pharmacy requires a replacement poster holder, please contact APS Group at: and a replacement will be sent out.


Scottish Government

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