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The content below contains the latest news affecting community pharmacy owners and their teams throughout Scotland. If you can’t find something or you have a question please get in touch with us at webteam@cps.scot
PCA(P)(2022)01 - Community Pharmacy Practitioner Champions
This Circular informs NHS Boards and community pharmacy contractors of the intention to continue funding for Community Pharmacist Practitioner Champions in 2021-22.
PCA(P)(2021)21 - Pharmaceutical Services Amendments to Drug Tariff Part 11 Clawback Scale
This circular advises community pharmacy contractors and NHS Boards on the amendments to the Drug Tariff Part 11 clawback scale.
PCA(P)(2021)20 - Amendments to the Base Payment for Pharmacy First
Circular PCA(P)(2021)5 set out the arrangements for the settlement for pharmaceutical services for the period 2020-21, including for NHS Pharmacy First Scotland.
PCA(P)(2021)19 - Introduction of Electronic Transfer
This circular provides NHS Boards, prescribers and community pharmacy contractors with an update on progress and developments with regard to the support of the electronic transfer of prescriptions (ETP) via the Acute Medication Service (AMS)
PCA(P)(2021)18 - Test Kit Distribution Service - Regarding Batch Recalls
Circular PCA(P)(2021)08 set out arrangements for a pharmacy distribution service for members of the public to access lateral flow test kits.
PCA(P)(2021)17 - Guidance and Referral Form for Treatment of Minor Eye Conditions
This Circular provides updated guidance for both community optometry and community pharmacy teams and an updated referral form for the assessment and treatment of minor eye conditions.
PCA(P)(2021)16 - NHS Pharmacy First Scotland: Service Requirements
This Circular reminds community pharmacy contractors of the requirements of delivering the NHS Pharmacy First Scotland service
PCA(P)(2021)15 - Post-Registration Foundation Pharmacy Programme
This Circular sets out the arrangements for the Community Pharmacy NHS Post Registration Training Programme and instructions for community pharmacy contractors on completion of grant applications.
PCA(P)(2021)14 - Revised Approved List of Products
This Circular encloses a revised Approved List of Products for the NHS Pharmacy First Scotland service, which will come into force from 1st October 2021.
PCA(P)(2021)13 - Community Pharmacy Covid-19 Test Kit Distribution Service
From Monday 27th September 2021, community pharmacy contractors that participate in the Pharmacy Collect offer that provides the general public with access to regular LFD
PCA(P)(2021)12 - Addition of Bridging Contraception
This Circular advises that supply of bridging contraception will be added to the community pharmacy Public Health Service from 9 November 2021.
PCA(P)(2021)11 - Test Kit Distribution Service
Following the successful launch of the service, this circular will clarify the requirements for and the importance of reporting supply of kits to ensure proper remuneration for their distribution.
PCA(P)(2021)10 - Stationery Arrangements
Circular PCA(P)(2021)10 advises NHS Boards of the procedures for community pharmacists who are qualified independent prescribers (IPs) to obtain NHS prescription stationery for use when providing the NHS Pharmacy First Plus service in community pharmacies.
PCA(P)(2021)09 - Dispensing Pool
The Scottish Government have released circular PCA(P)(2021)09 which advises of changes to the Drug Tariff with respect to remuneration arrangements to regulate the delivery of the remuneration Global Sum for 2020/21.
PCA(P)(2021)08 - Lateral Flow Devices
The Scottish Government has just today released a circular detailing a funded Pharmacy Collect service through which the public can access Lateral Flow test Devices (LFDs).
PCA(P)(2021)07 - Additional PGDs
Circular PCA(P)(2021)07 advises that Patient Group Directions (PGDs) supporting two further common clinical conditions will be added to the NHS Pharmacy First Scotland service.
PCA(P)(2021)06 - NHS Medicines Delivery Service
Circular PCA(P) (2021) 1 set out the arrangements for a time-limited medicines delivery service to be deployed by the Community Pharmacy Network to support winter pressures, NHS remobilisation and our National Strategic Framework during the COVID-19 outbreak.
PCA(P)(2021)05 - Amendments to the Drug Tariff
This circular sets out to community pharmacy contractors and NHS Boards the details of the community pharmacy funding arrangement 2021-22. This forms part of the 3 year settlement introduced in April 2020.
PCA(P)(2021)04 - Serious Shortage Protocol
This Circular provides an update To advise of a serious shortage protocol in place for levothyroxine 12.5 microgram tablets.
PCA(P)(2021)03 - Medicine Care Review
This Circular encloses Directions and a service specification for the Medicines: Care and Review service.