Women’s Health Champion Lunchtime Seminar: Professor Martha Hickey - Empowering Women to Manage Menopause

Published: 05/06/24

The Scottish Government are hosting a women's health lunchtime webinar on the 26th of June with Professor Martha Hickey on Empowering Woman to Manage Menopause.

Scotland’s Women’s Health Champion Professor Anna Glasier invites world-renowned menopause researcher Professor Martha Hickey to discuss ‘Empowering women to manage menopause.’ Reflecting on her recent Lancet series on menopause Professor Hickey outlines a new approach to menopause that goes beyond the treatment of specific symptoms and instead creates an active process of gaining knowledge, confidence, and self-determination to self-manage health and make informed decisions about care. 

When and where: The webinar will be held on 26 June 2024 at 12.00 – 1.00 pm and will be hosted by the Scottish Government on MS Teams. 

Register here:  https://events.teams.microsoft.com/event/9f6ae761-8b21-410b-a9c9-2b540629dd85@0ef77447-1083-4dec-b89f-27c765076840

Please ensure that you register, and join the meeting, using your professional email address for example an NHS, local government or third sector email address.


Sarah Scott

Policy and Public Relations (PR) Pharmacist


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