Self-isolation Exemption Guidelines

Published: 16/12/21

Following recent announcements around restrictions as a result of the spread of the Omicron variant of COVID-19, there has been some confusion over the self-isolation rules for health and social care workers

We have sought official guidance on this, and whilst we are awaiting this being shared in writing, it has been confirmed that those working in community pharmacies will still have an exemption, as per the current detail on NHS Inform’s webpage – but with one amendment:

The team member who has been told to isolate as a close contact must have had both initial COVID vaccinations plus their booster dose in order to qualify to return to work.

This is in addition to the other 9 criteria already in place, as well as your organisation carrying out a risk assessment to take into account individual circumstances.

If you have any questions, please get in touch with us via


Robbie Collins

Digital Communications Officer


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