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Latest News
The content below contains the latest news affecting community pharmacy owners and their teams throughout Scotland. If you can’t find something or you have a question please get in touch with us at webteam@cps.scot
Spring COVID-19 Vaccination Programme 2025
The Chief Medical Officer along with the Chief Pharmaceutical Officer and the Interim Chief Nursing Officer has writing to provide members with important details regarding the 2025 Spring COVID-19 vaccination programme, which will run from 31st March to 30th June 2025.
Navigating Free COVID-19 Test Availability in Scotland
In Scotland, free COVID-19 tests are strictly available to vulnerable patients who are at the highest risk of becoming seriously ill from coronavirus. Pharmacy teams can inform patients of this guidance to help manage expectations. COVID-19 tests are available to those who are eligible and can be ordered online via NHS Inform.
Changes to NHS Inform Advice on Covid-19
As of the 13th June 2024, the NHS Inform advice on Covid-19 has been updated. This was informed by a review from Public Health Scotland and Scottish Government clinicians. Based on this review, it was recommended that the advice to self-isolate for five days following a positive Covid-19 test should be removed from guidance.
PCA(P)(2022)06 - Community Pharmacy COVID-19 Test Kit Distribution Service
Circular PCA(P)(2021)08 set out arrangements for a pharmacy distribution service for members of the public to access lateral flow test kits. This circular notifies Health Boards and pharmacy contractors that arrangements for the service will end on Thursday 31 March 2022.
PCA(P)(2022)04 - Community Pharmacy Ventilation Enhancement Allowance
This Circular advises of a new ventilation enhancement allowance for community pharmacies in Scotland. Funding has been made available from the Scottish Government to be paid to community pharmacy contractors that meet the conditions of entitlement for the new allowance.
PCA(P)(2022)03 - Deployment of COVID-19 Antivirals to Non-Hospitalised Patients
This circular sets out fees payable for participating community pharmacy contractors in the provision of antiviral treatments in COVID-19 positive non hospitalised patients.
PCA(P)(2022)02 - Community Pharmacy COVID-19 Test Kit Distribution Service
Circular PCA (P)(2021)08 set out arrangements for a pharmacy distribution service for members of the public to access lateral flow test kits. Due to high demand for the service, stock levels of Orient Gene kits have been exhausted. Therefore, the UK Government is reintroducing Innova brand kits.
LFD Collect Service – Process Simplified
We have taken a great deal of your feedback over the last few days and understand that the current operation of the LFD collect service is unduly disrupting the delivery of your core services in some areas…
Self-isolation Exemption Guidelines
Following recent announcements around restrictions as a result of the spread of the Omicron variant of COVID-19, there has been some confusion over the self-isolation rules for health and social care workers.
LFD Kit Supplies for Public Use
Following on from this week’s videos from Harry and Matt, we can now confirm that each pharmacy is authorised to order 1 box of kits each day
Omicron Variant – What Does This Mean For The Network?
With the announcement today from First Minister Nicola Sturgeon we are currently looking at several areas to ensure that the community pharmacy workforce can continue to provide their essential services.
PCA(P)(2021)18 - Test Kit Distribution Service - Regarding Batch Recalls
Circular PCA(P)(2021)08 set out arrangements for a pharmacy distribution service for members of the public to access lateral flow test kits.
Change to PECOS PPE Masks
The PECOS PPE supply team have advised that the mask supply for PPE is changing from 22nd November 2021 from the elasticated ear loop type 2R to the tie back version
PECOS PPE Direct Ordering – Ordering & Deliveries Over Christmas/New Year
I write to advise you that National Procurement are currently preparing plans to cover ordering and delivery of PPE orders for Primary Care contractors over the Christmas/New Year.
Covid-19 Test Kit Distribution Service Update
PCA(P)(2021)13 detailed from Monday 27th September 2021, community pharmacy contractors that participate in the Pharmacy Collect offer
PCA(P)(2021)13 - Community Pharmacy Covid-19 Test Kit Distribution Service
From Monday 27th September 2021, community pharmacy contractors that participate in the Pharmacy Collect offer that provides the general public with access to regular LFD
PECOS PPE Glove Change
The Primary Care PPE catalogue on PECOS are being updated. The item codes for small and medium glove sizes will be updated as per the table below.
Update on Physical Distancing
The following letter notifies teams and managers of an update to the National Infection Prevention and Control Manual COVID-19 addenda on physical distancing in Health and Social Care.
Isolation Guidance for Healthcare Teams
We have been made aware that the guidance on self-isolation exemption for healthcare teams has now been updated and issued
Introduction of Orient Gene 7s LFD Kits
Type DesNational Services Scotland (NSS) is introducing new Orient Gene 7s LFD kits for primary care workforce testing.