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The content below contains the latest news affecting community pharmacy owners and their teams throughout Scotland. If you can’t find something or you have a question please get in touch with us at webteam@cps.scot
Consultation Response: Development Pathways for Pharmacy Technicians and Pharmacy Support Staff
The National Pharmacy Technician Group Scotland (NPTGS) are seeking responses from pharmacy teams, working in all sectors across Scotland, on their proposed development pathways for pharmacy technicians and pharmacy support staff.
Palliative Care Strategy: Palliative Care Matters for All
This consultation seeks views on eight identified outcomes which describe what good looks like with respect to palliative care services in Scotland. Below is a short explanation of the strategy, and Community Pharmacy Scotland’s submitted response to this consultation.
Proposed changes to the Availability of Puberty Blockers – Department of Health and Social Care Consultation
This consultation seeks views on the proposal to make a permanent order to come into force when the second emergency order to prevent new patients aged under 18 from beginning to take puberty blockers for the purposes of gender incongruence and/or gender dysphoria, under the care of private prescribers expires.
Achieving Value and Sustainability in Prescribing Medication
The Scottish Government are consulting on draft guidance on achieving value and sustainability in prescribing by reducing unwarranted variation across health boards. This includes items of low and limited clinical value, diabetic sundries, and antimicrobial stewardship.
Scotland’s 5 Year Vaccination and Immunisation Strategy and Delivery Plan
Public Health Scotland and the Scottish Government have released Scotland’s 5-year Vaccination and Immunisation Strategy and Delivery Plan.
Consultation on Assisted Dying for Terminally Ill Adults
The Scottish Parliament are looking for views on the Assisted Dying for Terminally Ill Adults (Scotland) Bill. This bill would introduce a lawful form of assisted dying for people aged 16 or over with a terminal illness.
Consultation on the Quality Assurance of Pharmacy Education and Training
The General Pharmaceutical Council is seeking views on changing its approach to the quality assurance of pharmacy education and training.
Post-Implementation Review of the Human Medicines Regulations 2012
The MHRA are seeking views on the impact of the 2012 Human Medicines Regulations implementation. This paper outlines our draft response
Professional Standards Authority Good Practice Guidance Consultation Response
The Professional Standards Authority (PSA) is an independent organisation, accountable to the UK Parliament. Its remit is to protect the public through work with organisations that register and regulate people working in health and social care. The PSA is seeking consultation on the good practice guidance documents they have produced in support of regulatory reform.
Expanding Access to Naloxone Supplies Consultation Response
Following years of extensive engagement, this consultation now seeks to further expand the list of individuals and services that can supply take-home Naloxone as well as introducing new reporting requirements
HIS Standards for Gender Identity Healthcare Services
Healthcare Improvement Scotland (HIS) is seeking input on draft standards for gender identity healthcare services, mentioning community pharmacies and primary care services
Pharmacy Supervision Consultation Response
The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) has opened a public consultation on proposed changes to primary legislation relating to supervision in the pharmacy profession.
Quality Improvement (‘Daffodil’) Standards for Palliative and End of Life Care
We are consulting on new standards on palliative and end-of-life care for community pharmacy. The consultation will be open for a four-week period from November 1 – December 1 2022.
Medicines Homecare Review
The Chief Pharmaceutical Officer for Scotland has commissioned a review of medicines homecare services. This is being led by Banjamin Hannan, Director of Pharmacy for NHS Fife.