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Latest News
The content below contains the latest news affecting community pharmacy owners and their teams throughout Scotland. If you can’t find something or you have a question please get in touch with us at webteam@cps.scot
Press Release: Joint Stakeholder Communications - NHS Primary Care
We want to make you aware of a joint letter that Community Pharmacy Scotland, along with our colleagues in general practice, dentistry, and optometry, has sent to the Cabinet Secretary for Finance.
Joint Stakeholder Communications - NHS Primary Care
We want to make you aware of a joint letter that Community Pharmacy Scotland, along with our colleagues in general practice, dentistry, and optometry, has sent to the Cabinet Secretary for Finance.
PCA(P)(2024)28 - Financial Package 2024-25 for Community Pharmacy
This circular sets out to community pharmacy contractors the details of the community pharmacy funding arrangement for 2024/25.
PCA(P)(2023)46 - Pharmaceutical Services Amendments To The Drug Tariff Part 11 Discount Clawback Scale
PCA(P)(2023)46 - Pharmaceutical Services Amendments To The Drug Tariff Part 11 Discount Clawback Scale
PCA(P)(2023)44 - Guaranteed Minimum Income Adjustment Payment
This circular advises community pharmacy contractors and Health Boards of a corrective payment in order to deliver contractual requirements for the financial year 2023/24.
PCA(P)(2023)26 - Pharmaceutical Services Amendments to Drug Tariff in Respect of Remuneration Arrangement and Part 7 Clawback
This circular sets out to community pharmacy contractors and NHS Boards the details of the community pharmacy funding arrangement 2023/24
PCA(P)(2023)22 - Payment for Naloxone Access Service
A new naloxone service to be implemented in community pharmacies later this year, preparation work that will be required and a payment for associated costs.
PCA(P)(2023)01 - Advance Payment January 2023
This circular advises of the introduction of an advance cash payment to be paid to eligible community pharmacies, dispensing doctor practices and DAC suppliers in January 2023.
Truss Measured and Fitted Payments
In recognition of the increased work involved for measuring and fitting a Truss it has been agreed with Scottish Government that the remuneration for this is now set at £250.
PCA(P)(2021)02 - Financial Recognition
This letter advises NHS Boards and Practitioner Services of the arrangements for the NHS payment disbursement to persons working within an independent service provider setting, announced on 30 November 2020
PCA(P)(2020)01 - Amendments to the Drug Tariff Part 11 Discount Clawback Scale
This Circular advises community pharmacy contractors and NHS Boards on the amendments to the Drug Tariff Part 11 clawback scale.
PCA(P)(2019)19 - Remuneration Arrangements April - June 2019
This circular advises community pharmacy contractors and NHS Boards on the arrangements to make backdated payments in respect of remuneration for the dispensing months April – June 2019.
PCA(P)(2019)13 - Community Pharmacy Funding Settlement for 2019-20
PCA(P)(2019)13 - Community Pharmacy Funding Settlement for 2019-20.
PCA(P)(2019)07 - Financial Arrangement for 19/20
This circular advises community pharmacy contractors and NHS Boards of the outcome of the negotiations for the community pharmacy funding settlement for 2019-20.