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The content below contains the latest news affecting community pharmacy owners and their teams throughout Scotland. If you can’t find something or you have a question please get in touch with us at webteam@cps.scot
Scottish Drug Tariff Amendments
We would like to signpost everyone to this part of the Scottish Drug Tariff.
PCA(P)(2023)23 - Part 7 Reimbursement Arrangements 2023/24
This Circular advises of changes to the Scottish Drug Tariff effective from 1 May 2023 in respect of reimbursement of costs borne by community pharmacy contractors when dispensing NHS prescriptions for part 7 medicines.
PCA(P)(2023)17 - Pharmaceutical Services Amendments to the Drug Tariff
This Circular advises of changes in the Drug Tariff effective for dispensing 1 May 2023 in respect of reimbursement of costs borne by community pharmacy contractors when dispensing NHS prescriptions for specialist preparations and imported unlicensed medicines listed in Part 7S.
PCA(P)(2023)08 - Amendment to Scottish Drug Tariff Part 11 Clawback Scale
This circular advises pharmacy contractors and NHS Boards on amendments to the Drug Tariff Part 11 clawback scale.
PCA(P)(2023)01 - Advance Payment January 2023
This circular advises of the introduction of an advance cash payment to be paid to eligible community pharmacies, dispensing doctor practices and DAC suppliers in January 2023.
PCA(P)(2022)12 - Drug Tariff Part 7 Dispensing Pool Payment
This circular advises of changes to the Drug Tariff with respect to remuneration arrangements for the dispensing pool month of March 2022. This temporary payment adjustment is required to regulate the delivery of the remuneration Global Sum for 2021/22.
PCA(P)(2022)08 - Amendments to the Drug Tariff Remuneration & Part 7 Discount Clawback Arrangements from April 2022
This circular sets out to community pharmacy contractors and NHS Boards the details of the community pharmacy funding arrangement 2022-23. This forms part of the 3-year settlement introduced in April 2020.
PCA(P)(2021)21 - Pharmaceutical Services Amendments to Drug Tariff Part 11 Clawback Scale
This circular advises community pharmacy contractors and NHS Boards on the amendments to the Drug Tariff Part 11 clawback scale.
Name Change in Drug Tariff: Senna
Please note as of the 1st December 2021, Senna 7.5mg/5ml oral solution will be changed to Sennoside 7.5mg/5ml oral solution in Part 7b of the Scottish Drug Tariff.
Removal from Part 7S: Venlafaxine Oral Suspensions
There are now licensed versions of Venlafaxine Oral Suspension 37.5mg/5ml and 75mg/5ml 150ml packs available
Additions to Part 7 & Approved List Reimbursement
With the Revised List of Approved List Products (PCA (P) (2021) 14) Circular, from 1st October 2021
Adjusted Prices Review
As a part of our work with the Scottish Government and Public Health Scotland, we regularly raise lines of concern and work to secure adjusted prices for these.
Adjusted Prices Review
As a part of our continuing discussions with the SG and PHS, we regularly raise lines of concern and work to secure adjusted prices for these.
PCA(P)(2021)09 - Dispensing Pool
The Scottish Government have released circular PCA(P)(2021)09 which advises of changes to the Drug Tariff with respect to remuneration arrangements to regulate the delivery of the remuneration Global Sum for 2020/21.
PCA(P)(2021)05 - Amendments to the Drug Tariff
This circular sets out to community pharmacy contractors and NHS Boards the details of the community pharmacy funding arrangement 2021-22. This forms part of the 3 year settlement introduced in April 2020.
PCA(P)(2020)23: Amendments to Drug Tariff
This circular advises community pharmacy contractors of changes in the Drug Tariff with respect of remuneration for the dispensing August 2020.
PCA(P)(2020)21: Amendments to Drug Tariff
This circular advises community pharmacy contractors of changes in the Drug Tariff with respect of remuneration for the dispensing July 2020.
PCA(P)(2020)01 - Amendments to the Drug Tariff Part 11 Discount Clawback Scale
This Circular advises community pharmacy contractors and NHS Boards on the amendments to the Drug Tariff Part 11 clawback scale.
PCA(P)(2019)22 - Drug Tariff Part 7 and 11 Discount Clawback Rate
This circular advises community pharmacy contractors and NHS Boards on the amendments to the Drug Tariff Part 7 generic clawback scale and Part 11 clawback scales.