Scottish Government Local Hero Campaign

Published: 11/08/21

At CPS, we carry out activities to raise the profile of community pharmacy so that we can showcase the amazing work you and your teams do each and every day in support of your local population.

With the opening of a new session of parliament comes the opportunity for MSPs to select local heroes - allowing their story to be told and giving the opportunity for them to attend the parliament's opening ceremony.

The team at CPS would be delighted to support you to put forward team members for this recognition - once you have their permission, just drop us an email to with their and the pharmacy's details and a little bit about how they have gone above and beyond over the course of the very challenging past 18 months. We will then contact the right MSP for your area with the nomination - just make sure to have them across by the 25th of August!

If you have any questions, just get in touch with Adam in the policy office!


Adam Osprey

Policy & Development Pharmacist


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