Running Out Of Courier Bags?

Published: 16/09/21

It’s been a busy year this year, and as a result, you may have had more prescriptions than usual to include in your monthly submissions.

This means you may have had to use more bags than normal to collate your submissions. Please remember that each bag should contain no more than around 6000 prescriptions, otherwise you risk the bag bursting in transit. If you do need to use more than one bag, please staple a note to it denoting “1 of 2” “2 of 2” etc.

If you have needed to use more than one bag for some submissions, you might be concerned you are starting to run out. Never fear! If you are running low, please don’t hesitate to contact us to order more on 0131 466 3540 or at quoting your name and contractor code.

For more courier collection hints and tips, please see our Courier Webpage.


Graham LeTissier

Digital Communications Assistant


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