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Latest News
The content below contains the latest news affecting community pharmacy owners and their teams throughout Scotland. If you can’t find something or you have a question please get in touch with us at webteam@cps.scot
eSchedule Update
In this month’s eSchedules sent yesterday, there are a number of adjustment codes we wanted to draw your attention to
PCA(P)(2021)14 - Revised Approved List of Products
This Circular encloses a revised Approved List of Products for the NHS Pharmacy First Scotland service, which will come into force from 1st October 2021.
PCA(P)(2021)13 - Community Pharmacy Covid-19 Test Kit Distribution Service
From Monday 27th September 2021, community pharmacy contractors that participate in the Pharmacy Collect offer that provides the general public with access to regular LFD
PCA(P)(2021)12 - Addition of Bridging Contraception
This Circular advises that supply of bridging contraception will be added to the community pharmacy Public Health Service from 9 November 2021.
Adjusted Prices Review
As a part of our work with the Scottish Government and Public Health Scotland, we regularly raise lines of concern and work to secure adjusted prices for these.
PECOS PPE Glove Change
The Primary Care PPE catalogue on PECOS are being updated. The item codes for small and medium glove sizes will be updated as per the table below.
RHC Glasgow - Website and App for Parents and Patients
During the Pandemic we have all changed the way we work, and have found new ways of communicating with each other.
National Guidance for Child Protection
The Scottish Government has now published the National Guidance for Child Protection in Scotland 2021 with a suite of accompanying documents:
Inhaler Dispensing
Often times with inhalers, when you receive the prescription the quantity is given in number of doses or actuations, rather than number of packs.
Glipizide Supply
As you may be aware there is some supply disruption at the moment to Glipizide 5mg tablets (Minodiab) and these are anticipated to be out-of-stock until mid-October 2021.
WhatsApp and Online Groups for IPs and IP Trainees
There are two groups available for IPs/IP Trainees, hosted by CPS. These are mainly for sharing information/asking questions/getting to know the other IPs and IP Trainees in practice in Scotland.
Supporting People in Later Life
Our colleagues at Strathclyde University are undertaking research into what supports people to remain active and independent in later life.
PCR Version 16.0 Now Released
Our colleagues at NSS and ATOS have let us know that the PCR has now been upgraded to the latest version (16.0).
Isolation Guidance for Healthcare Teams
We have been made aware that the guidance on self-isolation exemption for healthcare teams has now been updated and issued
Community Pharmacy in the NHS Recovery Plan
Yesterday Scottish Government published "The NHS Recovery Plan" which sets out key ambitions and actions to be developed and delivered now and over the next 5 years in order to address the backlog in care and meet the ongoing healthcare needs for people across Scotland.
Women's Health Plan & Community Pharmacy
We welcome the publication of the UK’s first Women’s Health Plan by the Scottish Government.
LFD Correct Reporting of Supply for Payment
The Scottish Government released circular PCA(P)(2021)11 Community Pharmacy COVID-19 Test Kit Distribution Service clarifies the requirements for and the importance of reporting
PCA(P)(2021)11 - Test Kit Distribution Service
Following the successful launch of the service, this circular will clarify the requirements for and the importance of reporting supply of kits to ensure proper remuneration for their distribution.
Dealing with Anxiety?
Feeling anxious about restrictions being lifted? The National Wellbeing Hub has developed new resources aimed at health and social care workers in response to reports of increased levels of anxiety
Scottish Government Local Hero Campaign
At CPS, we carry out activities to raise the profile of community pharmacy so that we can showcase the amazing work you and your teams do each and every day in support of your local population.