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Latest News
The content below contains the latest news affecting community pharmacy owners and their teams throughout Scotland. If you can’t find something or you have a question please get in touch with us at webteam@cps.scot
Scottish Government Local Hero Campaign
At CPS, we carry out activities to raise the profile of community pharmacy so that we can showcase the amazing work you and your teams do each and every day in support of your local population.
Beyond Level 0
We wanted to take this opportunity to provide an update for community pharmacy teams. This information is correct at the time of writing and will be updated as and when there are any further changes
UCF Service To Claim For LFD Test Kits
We have been advised that there are a number of LFD Test Kits which are being claimed under the wrong UCF service.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Use
There are currently a number of changes to how we work in community pharmacy, as COVID restrictions change and ease.
Primary Care Workforce LFD Testing
The next distribution by NSS of LFD tests for primary care workforce Covid-19 self-testing will commence on 16/08/21 and will be completed by 05/09/21.
NES Post Registration Foundation Programme
Our colleagues at NES have asked us to pass on the following information about the support they are able to offer to trainee Pharmacists who are sitting their registration assessment for the first time this month but do not pass
Registration Exam July 2021
Our colleagues at NES have asked us to pass on the following information about the support they are able to offer to trainee Pharmacists who are sitting their registration assessment for the first time this month but do not pass
PCA(P)(2021)10 - Stationery Arrangements
Circular PCA(P)(2021)10 advises NHS Boards of the procedures for community pharmacists who are qualified independent prescribers (IPs) to obtain NHS prescription stationery for use when providing the NHS Pharmacy First Plus service in community pharmacies.
Unscheduled Care PGD
We work closely with our colleagues at NHS24 to do everything we can to support the use of the unscheduled care PGD, so that the vast majority of patients have uninterrupted access to their medication.
Gluten Free Food Service
The GFFS has been reviewed and the payment structure has been altered to better support the workload in Community Pharmacy.
£500 Claim for Locum & Sessional Staff
Please find below the details from the Scottish Government for the Locum Claim Form for the £500 payment.
Post Reg Foundation Programme
Information for pharmacists who may wish to join the programme in September 2021.
Adjusted Prices Review
As a part of our continuing discussions with the SG and PHS, we regularly raise lines of concern and work to secure adjusted prices for these.
Designated Prescribing Practitioner (DPP)
The Robert Gordon University Designated Prescribing Practitioner handbook and application form is available to download on the RGU page
Claiming of LFD Test Kits
When claiming for a supply of LFD test kits, we have a few top tips to share with you on how to best claim for the service.
Class 2 Drug Alert
Bristol Laboratories Limited, Brown & Burk UK Ltd and Teva UK Ltd are recalling the below batches of products as a precautionary measure due to contamination with an impurity.
Hypertension Digital App
Here at CPS we have been progressing the hypertension digital app and potential services with both DHI and Cohesion.
Lateral Flow Device Test Kits Distribution
It has now been a week since the rollout of the funded Pharmacy Collect service through which the public can access Lateral Flow test Devices (LFDs).
PCA(P)(2021)09 - Dispensing Pool
The Scottish Government have released circular PCA(P)(2021)09 which advises of changes to the Drug Tariff with respect to remuneration arrangements to regulate the delivery of the remuneration Global Sum for 2020/21.
PCA(P)(2021)08 - Lateral Flow Devices
The Scottish Government has just today released a circular detailing a funded Pharmacy Collect service through which the public can access Lateral Flow test Devices (LFDs).