Qualified Independent Prescribing (IP) Pharmacist, East Linton

Pharmacy Name: East Linton Pharmacy

Contact Name: Andrew Lunn

Contact Telephone: 07977138773

Contact Email: Lunnpharmacy@hotmail.co.uk

Health Board: Lothian

Closing Date: 25/02/2025

We are looking for an IP pharmacist  to work in our East Linton branch three and a half days per week. This is an exciting opportunity to work in the beautiful village of East Linton away from the hustle and bustle of Edinburgh.

We are a family run business with two other branches and strive on patient care. There is an excellent experienced support staff in place giving you more time to work on services which are a key part of modern pharmacy. If you fancy a change don’t hesitate in making contact to progress things forward and discuss the roll in more depth.

The days are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and half day Saturday. 

Excellent salary.



Trainee or Qualified Pharmacy Assistant, Falkirk


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