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Latest News
The content below contains the latest news affecting community pharmacy owners and their teams throughout Scotland. If you can’t find something or you have a question please get in touch with us at webteam@cps.scot
Update on Physical Distancing
The following letter notifies teams and managers of an update to the National Infection Prevention and Control Manual COVID-19 addenda on physical distancing in Health and Social Care.
Isolation Guidance for Healthcare Teams
We have been made aware that the guidance on self-isolation exemption for healthcare teams has now been updated and issued
Introduction of Orient Gene 7s LFD Kits
Type DesNational Services Scotland (NSS) is introducing new Orient Gene 7s LFD kits for primary care workforce testing.
LFD Correct Reporting of Supply for Payment
The Scottish Government released circular PCA(P)(2021)11 Community Pharmacy COVID-19 Test Kit Distribution Service clarifies the requirements for and the importance of reporting
PCA(P)(2021)11 - Test Kit Distribution Service
Following the successful launch of the service, this circular will clarify the requirements for and the importance of reporting supply of kits to ensure proper remuneration for their distribution.
PECOS PPE Direct Ordering
Message from the PECOS PPE Team: Future Delivery Schedule & Customer Support. Please check your generic mail box for the full update
Beyond Level 0
We wanted to take this opportunity to provide an update for community pharmacy teams. This information is correct at the time of writing and will be updated as and when there are any further changes
UCF Service To Claim For LFD Test Kits
We have been advised that there are a number of LFD Test Kits which are being claimed under the wrong UCF service.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Use
There are currently a number of changes to how we work in community pharmacy, as COVID restrictions change and ease.
Primary Care Workforce LFD Testing
The next distribution by NSS of LFD tests for primary care workforce Covid-19 self-testing will commence on 16/08/21 and will be completed by 05/09/21.
Claiming of LFD Test Kits
When claiming for a supply of LFD test kits, we have a few top tips to share with you on how to best claim for the service.
Lateral Flow Device Test Kits Distribution
It has now been a week since the rollout of the funded Pharmacy Collect service through which the public can access Lateral Flow test Devices (LFDs).
PCA(P)(2021)08 - Lateral Flow Devices
The Scottish Government has just today released a circular detailing a funded Pharmacy Collect service through which the public can access Lateral Flow test Devices (LFDs).
Transfer of PPE to PECOS
All CPs will now have received an email to their Generic NHS Mailbox with details and instructions for how to set up and place orders for PPE through the PECOS System
PHS Health Protection Alert - A to Z Vaccine Safety
Public Health Scotland have released a health protection alert with regards to the AstraZeneca Covid-19 Vaccine
PCA(P)(2020)27 - COVID-19 Financial Support for Community Pharmacy
This circular sets out for NHS Boards and community pharmacy contractors the agreed payment(s) to be made to community pharmacy contractors for COVID-19 related expenditure.
PCA(P)(2020)26 - COVID-19 Vaccination Programme
This circular sets out for NHS Boards and community pharmacy contractors the agreed fees for community pharmacy contractors participation in the COVID-19 vaccination programme.